General Questions

What is the STEKIO solution?

STEKIO is a learning engagement platform designed to connect learning organizations with executive learners to create and foster superior learner experiences.

What kind of organizations benefit from adopting the STEKIO learning engagement platform?

There are three primary types of organizations that will vastly benefit from the adoption of the STEKIO learning engagement platform:

  • Educational institutions for executive leaners
  • Training organizations for executive learners
  • Corporations engaged in training and organizational development for employees, managers and executives.

How does STEKIO help learning organizations?

The STEKIO learning engagement platform allows program managers to efficiently onboard learners, deliver critical relevant course information and content in a timely manner, and to engage learners throughout their learning experience. And its mobile app, used by learners, can be custom branded with the executive learning organizations’ identity and remains a valuable engagement tool and differentiator long after the learner’s first course.

What are the long-term benefits to using the STEKIO learning engagement platform?

Beyond the first course delivery, STEKIO continues to build a network of learners, allowing organizations to promote relevant courses, and learners to remain engaged with fellow executive learners.

Why are educational organizations choosing the STEKIO learning engagement platform?

The STEKIO software solution is the result of carefully validated industry analysis that included feedback from prominent educational organizations; it not only eliminates the cumbersome use of email, spreadsheets, and cloud storage to manage onboarding and learner communication, it also solves problems not addressed by existing LMS solutions. STEKIO is a green alternative to binders, reduces costs, and can be trusted to improve operational efficiencies and cultivate a loyal following far into the future.

Learning Organization Questions

How easy is it for my training organization to adopt and implement the STEKIO learning engagement platform?

Once your organization decides to adopt the STEKIO learning engagement platform you can be up and running within a day. You can download the software and your program administrator(s) can start using it right away to set up course programs, add and onboard learners, and start communicating with learners. The STEKIO platform has been designed carefully and thoughtfully to ensure ease of use and the STEKIO support team is on hand to help you in the event you need it.

Can the STEKIO learning engagement app be custom branded with the logo and brand colours of our organization?

Yes. It is easy to set up the app so that your executive learners access it on their iPad through an icon that represents your learning organization–like your logo. This will significantly improve learner loyalty, and remain on the learner’s iPad far into the future, keeping your organization top of mind for future learning experiences.

Can I stay connected to executive learners once they finish the training course?

Once your organization decides to adopt the STEKIO learning engagement platform you can be up and running within a day. You can download the software and your program administrator(s) can start using it right away to set up course programs, add and onboard learners, and start communicating with learners. The STEKIO platform has been designed carefully and thoughtfully to ensure ease of use and the STEKIO support team is on hand to help you in the event you need it.

Can the STEKIO learning engagement solution integrate with LMS or be customized to meet our precise needs?

Yes. Please contact us to discuss custom professional development of the STEKIO solution.

Program Administrator Questions

How does the STEKIO learning engagement platform make the program administrator’s job easier?

The STEKIO learning engagement platform provides an easy and efficient way for the program manager to set up courses, onboard learners, and stay connected with them throughout their learning experience and beyond. It becomes the communications hub for all course and learning related information used by all learners, and is the fastest and easiest way for program administrators to connect with learners to ensure an enhanced learning experience for every learner.

How does the program administrator manage the platform?

The STEKIO learning engagement platform is accessed by the program administrator through a desktop application. The platform dashboard allows the program administrator to easily connect with learners and complete tasks, such as setting up course programs, onboarding learners, distributing course content and assignments, setting up schedules, and communicating with learners using one-to-one email, broadcast emails, creating and interacting on discussions within the STEKIO platform.

Can the program administrator manage the platform from an iPad?

The STEKIO learning engagement platform can be managed through a web browser (Chrome, Safari) from a desktop or a mobile device.

Executive Learner Questions

How do learners download the STEKIO learning engagement app into their iPad device?

When your learners register and pay for an executive course with your organization, they will receive a token number code and an invitation link to download the STEKIO learner engagement app from the Apple iTunes store. By entering the token number code after installing the app, learners are automatically onboarded into the course.

How do executive learners login to the STEKIO learning engagement app?

Executive learners may login in to the STEKIO app using their LinkedIn or private email login credentials. Once logged in, learners have access to all those involved in their learning experience (classmates and program administrators), course materials, emails, discussions, schedules, and push notifications from program administrators. Note: Learner profiles are automatically updated to the STEKIO app for those who login in using their LinkedIn credentials.

How can I use the STEKIO app to communicate with others?

The STEKIO mobile app allows you to communicate in a number of ways with everyone involved in your learning experience:

  • Email one-to-one to classmates, program administrators, or teachers
  • Email to more than one classmate, program administrator, or teacher
  • Broadcast email to everyone involved in your learning experience
  • Open a private discussion topic with a select group or everyone involved in your learning experience
  • Participate in a discussion created by a peer, program manager, or teacher.

Can executive learners access the STEKIO learning engagement application on a desktop or other mobile device?

Yes.  Executive learners can access their information through a web based browser on a desktop or a mobile device.  They also have the option to download the IOS versions of the app on their iPad, iPhone and Apple Watch.

How do executive learners use the STEKIO iPad app?

Executive learners connect with their learning community through the unique iPad application, bearing the organization’s brand identity; it’s easy to use and integrates with LinkedIn to simplify profile management. Learners experience an enriched program as a result of the ease of collaboration with cohort learners and program managers.

What happens to the STEKIO learning engagement app once I have finished my executive or business training course?

The STEKIO learning engagement app can remain on your mobile device after you finish your training course, so you can continue to stay connected to your classmates, peers, program administrators, and teachers. Through the STEKIO app, you can also stay abreast of other relevant courses available to you, so you won’t miss out on getting more training, when you are ready.

Contact us to learn more about how the STEKIO learning engagement platform can help improve your executive learners’ learning experience.